Increase is an Association of church-based training organisations rooted in and around Asia. From Egypt to Indonesia and most places in between, as well as in diaspora groups around the world.
Increase member organisations are helping churches in their own countries to make disciples and grow their leaders. This work is led by national believers pioneering new initiatives for their own people.
Increase plays a servant role, bringing TEE organisations together and providing a platform to share experience, expertise, best practice and innovative ways to serve churches, as well as raising awareness of TEE in the global community.
Core Members and Fellowship Members are independent organisations but all members are expected to:
participate actively in the work of Increase and promote it;
where possible, share their materials, approaches and learning;
pay an Increase membership contribution.
Membership of the Increase Association is open to all those involved in church-based training organisations in Asia and beyond who accept the Statement of Faith given in the Increase Constitution.

Core Members
Increase has thirty Core Members across Asia. Find the member in your country in this overview of Core Members and contact them directly to find out more. If your country is not listed, contact us.
Core Members are national church-based training organisations which:
are nationally owned and led;
have an ongoing, systematic and Bible-based training programme;
use active learning methods and interactive learning in small groups;
are rooted in the local context and the local church;
serve in ‘greater Asia’ or among its peoples worldwide.
Each Core Member organisation can choose two representatives to link with Increase and participate in Increase decision-making.
Find Increase Core Members here
Fill in an application form to apply for Core Membership.
Fellowship Members
Fellowship Members are organisations with a significant interest and affinity to church-based training movements. They can be partnering organisations or TEE organisations outside Asia.
Each Fellowship Member can choose one representative to act as their link with Increase.
See Increase Fellowship Members here
Fill in an application form to become a Fellowship Member.
Individual Members and Friends of Increase
Individual Membership is open to those who have particular expertise in church-based training or related disciplines and who accept the Statement of Faith given in the Increase Constitution.
Individual Members are expected to
use their expertise in support of Core Members and similar organisations.
make an annual membership contribution.
Individual Christians who want to support or promote the work of Increase, but who do not meet all the membership criteria, may become Friends of Increase. They are not formal members but receive newsletters and are encouraged to contribute through prayer, time and donations.
Find Increase Individual Members and Friends here
Fill in an application form to become an Individual Member or Friend of Increase.