Making Disciples
Churches are growing rapidly in many countries in Asia. We need training models which can multiply disciples and workers.
TEE makes local disciples
“Helping local people do local mission through local churches – that is how the Kingdom grows”, said Terry Barratt of SEAN International, a provider of TEE courses used globally. And that is the vision of TEE. This is not just an ideal but a proven reality for the thousands of churches throughout Asia connected to our members.
The TEE method provides a sound framework for discipleship, church growth and church planting. TEE courses are offered by national organisations, giving many opportunities for contextual training in partnership with local churches.

TEE equips all believers
God seeks not just 1% of Christians to be equipped as ministers or missionaries. Rather, he wants all his people to grow as whole-life disciples and to have an impact in their local society. We believe TEE has the potential to equip all church members as agents of transformation, to be salt and light where they are.
The senior pastor of a church in Dhading, Nepal saw how this makes all the difference:
“In the past I had to do all the work of the church, and sometimes I felt hopeless. But through TEE change happened. Everyone has started to take responsibility. I can witness to stronger believers who have courage in evangelism. People are willing to give of their time and money. The choir group is revived. People are also able to lead services. I no longer have all the weight on my shoulders.”
TEE creates disciples who make disciples
Institutions like residential Bible schools are vital, especially for equipping scholars and some leaders. However, they can never meet the need for discipling all believers or equipping them for local ministries. Church-based training is needed for this!
Local TEE groups require neither buildings nor professors nor scholarships. TEE group leaders are facilitators, not subject experts. They don’t have to create their own course content because experts have already done it. Therefore, TEE groups can reproduce rapidly.
Whether in new, growing churches like those in Nepal and China, or in challenging contexts like Central Asia and Pakistan, we have seen TEE groups reproduce, multiply, and spread again and again.
TEE can help churches to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples!
Increase member organisations equip disciples and empower churches
Increase serves local church-based training movements across Asia, and among Asian communities in other parts of the world. Our members have valuable experience with TEE. Increase connects local TEE (and other church-based training) movements, for example to share resources and good practice.
Increase has a pool of experienced individuals, the Increase Equippers, who can help set up new programmes, advise on curriculum development, assist with accreditation, share experience in diaspora TEE, help create contextually relevant courses and much more!