The Increase Association is a non-profit organisation that relies on donations. Thank you for donating to the work we do! Donations can be made through the Increase Trust UK, which is a registered charity in Britain. The Trust will pass on your gift to the Increase Association.
1. Through PayPal.
or PayPal QR Code

Please inform us of your donation on so we can send you a receipt.
2. By Bank Transfer.
Account Name: Increase Trust UK
Account Number: 00024426
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd.
Address: 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ, UK
(Intermediary bank, if requested):
HSBC, City Corporate Banking Centre,
60 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4N 4TR, UK. SWIFT/BIC: MIDLGB22XXX,
IBAN: GB48MIDL40053072138549.
Please inform us of your donation on so we can send you a receipt.
3. For UK Taxpayers only.
The Increase Trust UK is a registered charity eligible for Gift Aid.
You can also use your normal Stewardship account and find Increase Trust UK.
Stewardship account number 20218757.
IBAN: GB48MIDL40053072138549.
If you require a Gift Aid form please contact: